Food Testing

  • TENUIS is committed to helping companies find high standards by assuring high quality testing in Albania.

Testing at the source allows customers to gain time and cost advantages, we can help you setting up efficient testing programs and submit your food products for local certified testing by TENUIS avoiding costly shipping of samples.

TENUIS plays an important role in ensuring food safety and quality in compliance with local, national and international regulations.


TENUIS offers fast and reliable lab testing services for the following categories of food products:

Packaged Food, Ready meals, Instant food & frozen food

Meat & Poultry products

Fish and seafood products (prepared, smoked, salted, dried)

Dried fruits and nuts

Dairy Products

Infant formula and baby food


Pet food

Tinned fruit, vegetables, beans

Oil, Fats & condiment

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Air testing

The testing of air is very important to maintain our quality of living. TENUIS provides ambient air monitoring. We are equipped with air sampling pumps, cassettes, passive (diffusive) samplers and other useful equipment. We routinely analyse ambient air for yeast & molds and other common contaminants.

Water Testing

Water is the most important resource we have, and it is vitally important for all of us. This relates not only to drinking water but ultimately also for the whole water cycle, for example surface and ground water, process and waste water. TENUIS accurately measure constituents in your water and notify you of potential health problems that some of them are known to cause. Our laboratory is equipped with methods and instruments for the determination of heavy metals and endotoxins.

Effective analysis

TENUIS with its wide range of assays in water analysis is your partner for physical, chemical and microbiological testing according to ISO 17025.

We also offer a wide range of drinking water analyses in accordance with Water Quality Monitoring and Albanian Legislation (Nr. 379, datë 25.5.2016 PËR MIRATIMIN E RREGULLORES “CILËSIA E UJIT TË PIJSHËM”).

Test Covering

Water for Pharmaceutical USE

Drinking water

Ground water

Surface water

Mineral and table water

Borewell /Tanker Water

Water for Gardening / Flushing

Industrial water

Urban and Industrial waste water  

Water for Food Processing Industry

Bathing and seawater

Alcoholic and Non- Alcoholic Beverages

TENUIS offers three broad approaches to pharmaceutical analysis:


In compliance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Ground testing

TENUIS performs GROUND analysis such as

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Contact Info NUIS: L81904506I

Contact Info

NUIS: L81904506I

Address: Rr.Dytësore Maminas–Vorë

(Km 2, Durrës, Albania)

Tel: +355 57 58 4035

Mobile: +355 68 80 42 045


Submission Forms

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Small Business

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