TENUIS: "A name you can trust,to build your tomorrow in business"



We work with passion to bring out the best for our customers

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TENUIS Details

A customer service is our attitude, we work every day to service what you deserve


Creating responsible customers, sharing our technical experience with our clients.


Supporting your business in every step by giving answers to your complex analyses.


Making an impact for the local market, bringing a new culture for assurance, reliability and traceability of the test results.


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We provide facts for our quality

Aiming continues improvement in technical and managerial aspects.

Certified by Accreditation Directory TENUIS is ISO certified from EQSC

Cooperate with us

Contact Info NUIS: L81904506I

Contact Info

NUIS: L81904506I

Address: Rr.Dytësore Maminas–Vorë

(Km 2, Durrës, Albania)

Tel: +355 57 58 4035

Mobile: +355 68 80 42 045

email: info@tenuis.al

Submission Forms

Use below forms for your tests


Approved projects


Returning customers


Award nomination


Years of experience

About Us

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A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

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